
good conflict

Good Conflicts for Team Growth


Based on different models such as the Rocket Model, Google Research, and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, we came to these six important factors. Successful teams

  1. have trust in each other. Team members feel safe in the team, they dare to experiment, be themselves, and share their opinion. Successful teams
  2. understand the impact. Their team members believe they making a difference in the world and they have a clear purpose as a team. Successful teams
  3. are reliable to each other, their team members deliver what they promise, and they keep each other accountable. Furthermore, successful teams,
  4. have clarity in the team, especially in their work agreements, clarity of roles and what each one entails and clarity of what the team’s goals and objectives are. Successful teams
  5. care about results. They understand it’s all about team results, not individuals, and the team has a clear goal.


Start by acknowledging that there is a conflict within the team. Talk about the elephant in the room and address this dysfunction within the team. A good approach on confronting team conflicts is running a dedicated workshop. A whole working day with everyone making this their only priority. Find the facilitation plan here.

  • Start your meetings with checkins to see what everyone is up to and what they are bringing to the meeting. A great tool to use are the Management 3.0 Improv Cards.
  • Use the Celebration Grid to learn from your mistakes as team. Speak openly about failures, also on a personal relationship level and make it a habit, for example by establishing a weekly recap or learning session.
  • Establish a healthy feedback culture. Start by introducing the Feedback Wrap to give actionable feedback, the kind that leads to positive, self-motivated action and not disgruntled teammates.
  • More Practices for Dealing with Workplace Conflict

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True authentic leaders

Characters of a True Authentic Leader

💎 Authentic Leadership is about being yourself and being true to your values.

💙 It’s about leading with integrity, transparency, and honesty.

💎 Authentic Leaders have a strong sense of self-awareness and are able to be vulnerable with their team members.

💙 This builds trust and creates an environment of openness and respect.

Şahin Volkan Appel (né. Danacı), Management 3.0 Facilitator explains what Authentic Leadership according to Bill George is and how you can benefit from it: https://lnkd.in/d5pcBJWb


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m3 performance

Improve Performance with 1-1 meetings

Do you want your next 1-on-1 to be even more effective?

Here’s how:

Instead of traditional coaching questions, use inquisitive statements!

Inquisitive statements turn questions into statements.

At Management 3.0, we call this method Improvement Dialogue.

And we have a game for download containing 160 statements from four areas of inquisitive statements: personal, relational, organizational, and environmental.

All statements are designed to be powerful by implicitly using 
• why, 
• how, 
• what, and 
• when (hidden within the statements).

These question words invite deeper discussions, many of which help people bring their underlying assumptions to the surface.

Personal coaching, one-on-ones, and pair working are three examples of people helping employees and colleagues learn how to do better work. Using inquisitive statements instead of traditional coaching questions, you can improve a person’s performance using principles taken from Appreciative Inquiry, Powerful Questions, and Improvisational Theater.

  • Personal Topics, one of the goals of one-on-one coaching sessions is to align work and outcomes with a person’s motivations. You can use your quality time to discuss intrinsic desires, personality traits, personal history, and personal ambitions.
  • Relational Topics, a second area to cover in one-on-one coaching is the relationship between the two participants. You’re trying to achieve a good working relationship. Therefore, any issues that are impeding a healthy and productive collaboration need to be resolved.
  • Organizational Topics, you should also talk about organizational changes and news, team performance, organizational structure, upcoming opportunities, innovative capability, and how to help other team members succeed. You’re there to discuss how to get the whole system to improve and generate more value.
  • Environmental Topics, the last area in one-on-one coaching is a conversation about the environment. You can talk about politics, technology, the economy, and anything else that impacts a person’s performance and happiness.

You can decide not to use one area when it does not apply to your situation and adjust the inquiry scope to what is realistic and actionable.

How to get started with an improvement dialogue

This is what you can do to get started with improvement dialogues:

  1. Initiate coaching, pairing, one-on-one, or copilot session.
  2. Invite your colleague, friend, coach, or copilot for a private talk in a comfortable environment (preferably not in a dull office).
  3. Print the statements in a way that makes it easy to pick at random. Leave out the areas that do not apply to your situation.
  4. Explain the rules: no questions allowed, only reply in the affirmative, and contribute to the dialogue.
  5. Pick questions, develop your conversations, and support each other’s contributions.
  6. Make notes of any insights and action items.
  7. Evaluate. Yes, you are now allowed to disagree and ask questions.

Let’s quickly experiment with an improvement dialogue

The idea of an improvement dialogue is that a person picks a random statement from the list (or draws it from a pile of cards) and completes the sentence in any way she likes. Here is an example, with the statement: “What I need most is:..”:

  • “What I need most is… a bit more time to learn new tools and technologies.”

The coach, manager, pairing partner, or copilot now should respond to that statement in the affirmative and suggest bringing the dialogue forward.

  • “OK, perhaps we can find out what busy work is keeping you from learning new things.”

It is then up to both participants to keep the conversation flowing by always staying optimistic and contributing to the previous statement.

  • “Yes, I have a hunch that management’s daily interruptions are costing me too much time.”
  • “I see. Well, it should not be too difficult to measure this and validate that assumption.”
  • “You’re right, and I’ll see if I can find a time tracker app on my smartphone to do this.”
  • “Good, and I will check if someone else has done something like that before.”

👉 Download the Improvement Dialogues Cards: https://lnkd.in/dtMqqECf

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Strategy Fails

Why do strategies fail?

Lack of clear goals: A strategy must have clear and measurable goals. Without them, it is impossible to determine whether or not the strategy is successful.

Lack of focus: A good strategy must focus on a specific goal or objective. A strategy that tries to accomplish too many things at once is bound to fail.

Poor implementation: Even the best strategy will fail if it is not implemented properly. Implementation requires careful planning, resource allocation, and execution.

Ignoring market realities: A strategy must take into account the realities of the market. Failure to do so can result in a strategy that is out of touch with the needs of customers and the competitive landscape.

Failure to adapt: A strategy must be flexible enough to adapt to changing market conditions and new challenges. A strategy that is rigid and inflexible is doomed to fail.

Lack of resources: A strategy that does not have the necessary resources to succeed is bound to fail. Resources include money, people, technology, and infrastructure.

Lack of leadership: Finally, a strategy must have strong leadership to guide its implementation. A lack of leadership can result in confusion, infighting, and a failure to execute the strategy effectively.

Anything to add?

Figure by Jeroen Kraaijenbrink
The list of 7 ‘main failings’ as they were called is from Johnson, Scholes & Whittington, 2011, Exploring Strategy, pg 489-491

Why do strategies fail? Read More »


Professional Managers

A Professional Manager is a person that could excel in both Performance-Based and Relation-Based organizations. The focus of this website is not to improve the Technical aspects of a PM training, but to focus on Managerial skills and improving the interpersonal skills required to work with others in the team. Therefore, improvement in understanding of personality differences and collaboration skills with high emotional intelligence is required.

The goal is to assist the Professional Manager in making better decisions faster using the latest best practices and available tools. As part of our initiative to digitally transform the future PM needed for a QPMO, we are introducing a new app that guides our managers through a 21-day journey of mindfulness practices targeted at the office and work-related situations. The app with help monitor the person’s physiological changes and provide early warning to prevent mistakes and remind corrective actions.

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Relation based vs performance based organizations – Google Scholar

This article provides a review and conceptual comparison between self‐report and performance‐based measures of emotional intelligence.

Analyses of reliability, psychometric properties, and various forms of validity lead to the conclusion that self‐report techniques measure a dispositional construct, that may have some predictive validity, but which is highly correlated with personality and independent of intelligence. Although seemingly more valid, performance‐based measures have certain limitations, especially when scored with reference to consensual norms, which leads to problems of skew and restriction of range. Scaling procedures may partially ameliorate these scoring weaknesses. Alternative approaches to scoring, such as expert judgement, also suffer problems since the nature of the requisite expertise is unclear.

Use of experimental paradigms for studying individual differences in information‐processing may, however, inform expertise. Other difficulties for performance‐based measures include limited predictive and operational validity, restricting practical utility in organizational settings.

Further research appears necessary before tests of E1 are suitable for making real‐life decisions about individuals.



Relation based vs performance based organizations – Google Scholar Read More »

Constructive Criticism and Timely Feedback

As part of your relation-based interpersonal skills, you have to develop a good relation in receiving feedback and also giving constructive criticism. There are certain triggers that would emotionally block the thinking mind if wrong buttons are pushed. A Clifton strength test and other personality tests such as MBTI test would identify a different personality types of your team members and how they will interact with each other.


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Don’t ask Why, but what?!

This is a great clip by Shade that explains why approaching a person with “why” question is condescending and makes them defensive. The better way to approach a process improvement for cause analysis is to ask “what” happened and how it relates to the problem to improve the process and prevent future reoccurrence.


Don’t ask Why, but what?! Read More »

Mindfulness Tools

Become more mindful of your reactions and emotional changes in your interpersonal skills when interacting with other team members. Use the tool and techniques suggested through the mobile app that is connected to your smartwatch to give you early warning as well as notification when you need to be mindful of your reactions.


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